
After School Program

Bentley After School Program
As a part of our Bentley community, all of our students are automatically eligible and enrolled in our After School Program. At Bentley, we believe that all students should be provided a safe and supportive learning environment outside of a school setting. For this reason, the cost of our after school program is completely subsidized by the Bentley School. Families are not required to pay any fees to have their students join us after school. The Bentley After School Program is in session from dismissal until 6pm every school day unless otherwise noted. On Fridays our program begins earlier to support students on early dismissal days.  There are no opportunities for students to stay after 6:00pm at the Hiller campus.  

At the end of each day students are either brought down to our pickup line or brought to our After School Program. Depending on the age of each student, they are brought to a developmentally appropriate space to check in and start their afternoon. For students with older siblings, they will be picked up by their eldest sibling during their dismissal time and brought down to their pickup person at that later dismissal time.  

Each day students will have the opportunity for a healthy snack, outdoor play spaces, quiet spaces to work and complete homework, as well as various more structured activities led by our after school team.  Families also have the opportunity to opt in to additional enrichment activities for their students after school.  

Bentley Before School Program
In addition to our after school offerings, we are thrilled to continue our Before School Supervision (BSS) from 7:30am-8:30am. Students may not be dropped off prior to 7:30am on the Hiller campus. For families needing a little more time in the morning to get going, our Before School Supervision is a great opportunity to drop off your student a little earlier to help them play and get some energy out before heading into the classroom.   

Bentley After School Enrichment Offerings
Bentley is delighted to once again offer enrichment offerings after school at our Hiller campus for students in Kindergarten—8th grade. These opt-in classes provide students an intentionally more structured after-school learning environment that allows them to focus on a specific subject in a small group setting. Classes are offered by a mix of Bentley faculty, staff, and other community partners. Enrichment programs are offered in fall, winter and, spring to allow students to participate in a wide variety of programming throughout the school year.

Registration, Fees, and Cancellation
The Bentley After School Program is free to all students and no registration is required. However, our enrichment classes are offered at an additional fee and pre-registration is mandatory. All families receiving tuition assistance will receive the same discounted percentage for all after-school enrichment programs in which their student enrolls. 

Registration for these programs opens 4-6 weeks prior to each session and classes are offered on a first come, first served basis. Classes have required minimum and maximum enrollment, so if registration for a certain session does not meet minimum enrollment numbers, we may not be able to offer that course. If a class has reached its maximum enrollment, all interested students will be added to a waitlist.

All enrichment programs allow for one week of cancellations. If students try out their first week of a class and decide it isn’t a good fit, they can cancel for a full refund. After the first week of class, no refunds will be given.

Bentley After School Enrichment Offerings

Winter 2024 Session
Monday, December 2 to Friday, March 7 
Registration will open on Wednesday, November 6, at 10 am

Enrichment classes are only offered on days that Bentley is in session.  You can refer to the Bentley calendar for days off school.

Below is a list of offerings and descriptions, and a calendar!

K - 8 Campus

1 Hiller Drive
Oakland, CA 94618
(510) 843-2512

9 - 12 Campus

1000 Upper Happy Valley Rd.
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 283-2101