Bentley offers students the opportunity to pursue studies in French, Spanish, Latin, and Mandarin. In these courses, whether in Level 1 or Advanced Seminars, students engage in interactive real-world activities in the target language. Whether they be cooking traditional dishes, planning trips, or exploring the historical intricacies of countries where their target language is spoken, students are fully immersed in the culture of their language and develop competencies in all areas (speaking, reading, writing, listening).
In each of Bentley’s modern language classes, the rich history and culture of native speakers furnish an essential backdrop and context for learning to communicate effectively in the target language. Spanish, French, and Mandarin Chinese immersion classes develop students’ oral and aural fluency as well as reading and writing skills. Latin focuses more on authentic readings and textual analysis to explore effective communication and comprehension. Additionally, students in Mandarin Chinese learn to write and read Chinese characters. The language faculty is a dynamic group of educators who model and encourage the importance of being a multilingual individual in today’s global society.