The Bentley Parent Association is a fun and social way for parents to be involved with the school. Through meetings, volunteer opportunities, and events, we help foster thoughtful conversations at school and at home while supporting parents as their child’s academic and social journey unfolds.
As parents and guardians of Bentley students, you are part of the dedicated, talented, and generous community that forms the Bentley Parent Association (BPA). The BPA supports Bentley’s mission and activities, facilitates communication, and builds a community around a shared vision of excellence. Your contribution is welcomed by our vibrant students and superb faculty.
Active involvement in our community is also personally rewarding: you can form enduring friendships and fond memories participating in BPA events. We encourage you to get involved and share your ideas and talents to nurture our community.
Here are a few ways parents support the school:
volunteer as a member of the Executive Committee or Room Parent
chaperone a class field trip
donate to the Annual Fund
support a class celebration
host a parent social event
assist at a performing arts event
contribute to a Faculty and Staff Appreciation event
support the Annual Gala and Auction
BPA Meetings All Bentley parents and guardians are members of the Bentley Parent Association. During the year we hold two General Meetings where BPA leadership, School trustees, and administrators present topics of interest to parents.
BPA Executive Leadership
President Heather White
Vice President Shuang Shackelford
Vice Presidents Kate Osler - Lower School Sakai Metcalf - Middle School Robin Latour - High School
Bentley Spirit Wear
Bentley School has several ways to demonstrate school spirit with gear and clothing sporting our brand. We currently have three stores that focus on different types of items.
BPA School Store These are the classics when it comes to spirit wear and supporting the School. The store offers variations of sweatshirts, hats, t-shirts, and more. Orders placed through the school store are packaged and available on the campus most convenient for you.
Bentley Athletic Gear This site, provided through BSN Sports, sells athletic wear of all types, with many options for printed logos, including the Bentley Phoenix. The company fulfills orders and ships them to your home—expect delivery of 2-4 weeks on most items.
Bentley School Lands' End Store This store offers clothing that is more dressy than spirit wear, from polo shirts to fleece jackets and more. You will need to create an account that allows you to store sizing information for all your family members, enabling a more effortless shopping experience. Lands' End generally fulfills orders in 2-4 weeks.
K - 8 Campus
1 Hiller Drive Oakland, CA 94618 (510) 843-2512
9 - 12 Campus
1000 Upper Happy Valley Rd. Lafayette, CA 94549 (925) 283-2101