Hey Bentley, Let's Make a PACT!

Lower School students came together for their inaugural PACT assembly of the year. PACT stands for Positive Action Character Teams.

Laughter. Excitement. Song.

(And maybe a few giggles)

Joy echoed through the Meadows auditorium this week as students eagerly took their seats with their classmates, ready to try something new.

We extended a warm Bentley welcome to our newest additions: the Kindergarten students, fresh faces, and new teachers who were wholeheartedly embraced by the Bentley community. 

In the spirit of PACT (igniting some of that positive action), Mr. Winbush and Ms. Navarro led an energetic movement activity that got everyone on their feet and engaged. It got loud in there, y'all. And we welcomed it!

Teachers also took a moment to review the expectations for PACT, ensuring everyone was on the same page, and shared a few important recess rules.

Be respectful!
Be inclusive! Invite a classmate to play.
Have fun and play safe.

The PACT gathering wrapped up with a musical touch — a joyful singing session, led by the talented Ms. Lowry, our K-3 music teacher. There's no doubt we love music at Bentley. 

There's an air of excitement about the upcoming Friday gatherings, and in the weeks ahead, students will have the chance to connect with their PACT families, comprised of 14 students ranging from Kindergarten to 5th grade.

These meetings will provide an opportunity to delve deeper into the social-emotional work that will be a focal point throughout the year. Get ready for more exciting PACT adventures!